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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Have No Fear

Folks, I deleted my email account due to some info I couldn't figure out how to change. I'd like to keep the same ID, but as it's currently unavailable until they purge me from their database, I will be email-less for a while. If you wanna ask me something, use the comment forum, please!

Also, I'm not quite sure why I have been behaving lately. I've had some offers...and I get horny...but no one really interests me enough to meet. There may be one guy tomorrow, but he's chickened out before, so I don't have high hopes.

I don't know what's going on - I still have the urges, just not enough to do something about it, I guess. I'm hoping it's just a phase. :)

Now, go out there and misbehave!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm trying sweetie, I'm trying!

9:39 AM  

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