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Friday, April 14, 2006


Sorry to disappoint, but this isn't a golden shower post.

I STILL can't get R to send me the goddamn video! I've emailed him twice in the past week, each time short bullshit emails: Hey, how are you? Busy week? Send me the vid, please.

Or something close to that. Each time I got no response at all from him.

Then, tonight, after seeing him online a few times and not getting any messages from him, I IM'd him.

FoL: Hey, how are you?
R: Hey, just a sec
(Minutes pass, then R logs off)


It's not as if I'm asking for the entire video, I just want it emailed to me. He can still keep the fucking thing, just give me a goddamn copy!

I don't know how to get it from him. Anyone know any good intimidators that can go to his house with me???

I know his first, middle, last name, where he lives, and where he works. There has to be a way to scare him into giving me the goddamn video.

Any thoughts????


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